Month: January 2022

DEFRA update the guidance notes for activities regulated under the Licensing of Activities Involving Animals (LAIA)

DEFRA have refreshed the guidance notes for licensable activities regulated under Licensing of Activities Involving Animals (LAIA) regulations. These include; Cat Boarding, Day Care for Dogs, Dog Breeding, Hiring out Horses, Home Boarding, Keeping or training animals for exhibition, Kennel boarding, Selling animals as pets and the procedural guidance for LA’s.
The changes are relatively minor, being limited to clarifying the guidance and correcting inconstancies and errors, but the notes will be re-formatted to comply with the latest .gov standards and so will look quite different when published. You can view the unformatted text for the guidance notes prior to their formal release on the 1st February 2022 here. This will enable businesses to prepare for the changes prior to the implementation date.